Brake Pad Waste Collection Systems, Inc.
Images of CBPModule
Brake Pad Waste Collection Systems, Inc.
Clean Brake Performance
In 2010 the urgency to commercialize this pollution prevention technology increased as both the states of California and Washington passed state legislation, (SB 346 and SB 6557, respectively) to control the content of the brake wear debris and limit certain metallic species, copper. Other states are following the same path, using California and Washington as models. The new laws require copper and other constituents listed in the new legislation be reduced and essentially eliminated over the next (3) to (20) years.
On January 20, 2012, senate bill 2342 was introduced to the legislature of the state of Hawaii, update January 2013, senate bill 1319. The bill focuses on capturing and removal of re-entrained particles from tire and brake wear to eliminate these contaminants from the environment.
The referenced legislation is based on controlling the raw material contents of the friction material formulations. The CBPModule will collect the debris, prevent pollution of the environment and allow recycling of the collected debris. This new approach represents management by prevention rather than remediation. BPWCSI is currently seeking investment partners.
If you are interested in learning more about this new technology, please contact one of the following:
Joe Gelb, President
Tim Merkel, Chief Technical Officer
Rick Albano, Secretary Treasurer
U.S. Patent 7,963,376, U.S. Patent 8,191,691
Patent EP 2,522,876 Japan 5,579,187
Clean Brake Performance
In 2010 the urgency to commercialize this pollution prevention technology increased as both the states of California and Washington passed state legislation, (SB 346 and SB 6557, respectively) to control the content of the brake wear debris and limit certain metallic species, copper. Other states are following the same path, using California and Washington as models. The new laws require copper and other constituents listed in the new legislation be reduced and essentially eliminated over the next (3) to (20) years.
On January 20, 2012, senate bill 2342 was introduced to the legislature of the state of Hawaii, update January 2013, senate bill 1319. The bill focuses on capturing and removal of re-entrained particles from tire and brake wear to eliminate these contaminants from the environment.
The referenced legislation is based on controlling the raw material contents of the friction material formulations. The CBPModule will collect the debris, prevent pollution of the environment and allow recycling of the collected debris. This new approach represents management by prevention rather than remediation. BPWCSI is currently seeking investment partners.
If you are interested in learning more about this new technology, please contact one of the following:
Joe Gelb, President
Tim Merkel, Chief Technical Officer
Rick Albano, Secretary Treasurer
U.S. Patent 7,963,376, U.S. Patent 8,191,691
Patent EP 2,522,876 Japan 5,579,187